Barbar Mannino | Brand Strategy | Marketing Hooks | Content Creator

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Make more Money

Content shows people a world of possibility
and answers What’s In It for Me?

Barbara Mannino - Branding | Marketing | Content
Get More Clients
Get More Leads
Make More Money

Barbara MAnnino
Answer Question - Whats In It For Me?

Answer the #1 Customer Question:
What’s In It for Me?

It’s all about your customer even though it’s your brand.

You need to show them you understand what they want. Show them you understand their pain. Show them what you can make possible for them.

But too many businesses talk too much about what they do and forget about their customers.

They also focus on the brightest, shiniest new strategy, tactic, or app that appears in their inboxes and shows them “better” ways to do things.

Or they hastily throw together some content to get their name out there. But that content is irrelevant because it’s untethered to their brand and their message.

If any of this sounds like you, you’re likely spending too much money on marketing that doesn’t work.

But when you talk about what you can make possible for your prospects and customers...people will come running.

You stir up emotions that wow them and inspire them to be all in.

6 simple ways to stand out when communicating with your prospects and customers

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It takes 3 essential steps in just this order:

  • Begin with a magnetic brand that tells a story
  • Make an offer that leads with a hook
  • Grab attention with content that’s consistent, relevant, and real

It takes a lot of work to take those steps and give them life.

I can help. I’ve lived in the world of branding, marketing, and content for more than 25 years.
I know how to get your customers to know you, like you, and trust you by showing them What’s In It for Them.

Brand. Message. Content.
Empower your customers to turn their dreams into reality

Let’s begin with a chat.

Branding Expert - Barbara  Mannino

Who I Work With

I work with a variety of clients, but these are the best fit:

  • Emerging Small Business
    You’ve achieved traction in the marketplace, but your brand is holding you back from getting to that next level of business growth.
  • Expanding Midsize Company
    Your company wants to scale. You need someone to drive your branding and marketing.
  • Funded Startup
    You understand the importance of having a strong brand. You have the means to build your brand right out of the gate.
  • Design & Marketing Firms
    You may need an extra pair of hands to give your clients the attention they need.

Book a 30-minute complimentary discovery session and explore the possibilities of working together.

I hired Barbara to write a landing page for me when my attempts at doing one just weren’t working. The first thing that amazed me was her thorough intake process. She pulled things out of me like who I am and where I wanted to go in my business...things I’d felt for the longest time and had inside of me but couldn’t find the right words. Barbara drew it out of me and gave me a better view of my brand and where I’m going in my business. Plus, the landing page that I previewed with another business owner resonated so well that I got her as a client.
Christine Rothdeutsch, Principal, Implementing Your Vision
Barbara Mannino
339 West Broad St #213
Westfield, NJ 07090